Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Psalm 148

I was never one of those people that had a love for the psalms.  Truly, I don't mean that disrespectfully, it's just that I am a thinker, type A kinda girl.  So, all the feely, emotionally charged words of the psalmists kinda made it hard for me to focus.  That's one of the beauties of this Bible study - without spoon feeding me, it encourages a deeper and more introspective look at God's Word.

I need to rewind just a bit so you will understand the power in how God moved today.   A few weeks ago, this same study challenged me to start a new habit that would be glorifying to God; something every day.  So, I began making it a point to pray on my knees every morning.  This morning, I was on my knees in the kitchen.  Isn't prayer a wonderful thing?  I mean, God knows my heart even better than me, but in prayer He communicates with me.  For those that don't believe, this sounds nuts.  It should - because it is supernatural and amazing.  Anyway, I'm on my knees and as I start talking to God, I realize that I'm totally bogged down by the laundry list of stuff going on in my life.  So He changed my focus.  Instead of communicating with Him about my stuff, I began recounting His glory.  I started thinking about his "bigness..."  How my life was only a second, really; a minuscule blurb in time.  All this stuff going on, these problems that I have, He knows them and He knows they matter to me, but ultimately finding Him in each one of those issues is the solution, in and of itself.

End scene on that awesome prayer time.

I started my study and Psalm 148 is on today's agenda.  I immediately chuckled out loud because it's essentially my prayer.   God's awesome like that.  The study challenged me to really spend some time meditating on the vividness of the passage and to visualize all the creatures of the earth.  Finally, I was supposed to pick the attribute of God that was most powerful after this prayer and meditation time.

Of considerable size, extent, or intensity.
The major league in a professional sport.
large - great - grand - high - bulky - important

The attribute of God that stands out to me today is his bigness.  His infinite ability.  His everywhere-ness and everything-ness.  His inescapable and incomparable giant-ness; and in comparison to my small-ness, nothing else matters

I'm laying down my stuff at the foot of the cross today.

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