Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Little Stumbling on this Road of Wisdom

Proverbs 7-8

It's happening again... God is coming at me with the same message over and over every time I open His Word.  Have you ever experienced this?  It's nuts!  And frankly, kind of annoying... See, I have convinced myself that I want to change the parts of me that aren't pleasing to God, but when the proverbial rubber meets the road - it's a different story, altogether.  It is tough to see my sin as God sees it.  But also incredibly freeing to know that He provides a way out of it.

Now I get to be transparent with you again... I hate this part.

I have an amazing husband.  Like, seriously amazing.  He is a living, breathing, walking example of how God changes people.  That's his story to tell, though.   Last weekend, my precious husband surprised me with tickets to Cirque de Soleil (a dream of mine).  He didn't stop there, though.  He also scheduled a manicure the day before and set up dinner at  one of our favorite restaurants.  On top of all that, he called my mom and arranged for her to come up to keep Holden so we could go out.  (I told you he was amazing... and he does this sort of thing all the time)

Anyways, we were out having a fantastic time.  We got to the doors of the stadium and one of the tickets is missing.  Do I offer an ounce of grace?  A tiny bit of help or compassion? Do I support him at all? Of course not!  What do I do?  I proceed to act like a spoiled brat, that's what I do.  (Now, I must interject here that I don't want to condemn myself, but I have to be honest.  And I really am sorry for my behavior.)  Long story short, someone found our ticket (ummm, God?) and we enjoyed the show after I groveled and cried and apologized.  He, of course, didn't blink and forgave me even before I asked.

As I read Proverbs 7 about the foolish man, I thought of myself and my foolish behaviors.  No, I wasn't lured into adultery, but I was easily ensnared into the trap of pride and selfishness.  I want to change.  And I guess this is the process...

This week, I learned through the Beth Moore study, Living Beyond Yourself, that in Genesis 1:2 that the Holy Spirit acted as Energizer in the creation story.  I also saw the Trinity in a new light.  The Father has willed a way for me, the Son has extended His Word, and the Holy Spirit provides a way for humans to perform godly tasks.  So when Proverbs 8:33 says, "listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it," I see the correlation as the Holy Spirit enables me to do what is right in God's eyes.  At least, that is my hope.

Precious Lord, make me wise!  I see the error of my ways and I am so sorry.  I ask in your Precious Name that the Holy Spirit come alive in me and help me to do what is right in Your eyes.  May my life and subsequent change be a living testimony of Your grace and goodness!

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